Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Home Life

I thought with a son at home, I'd have even more reason to post, but I find that I also have less time to post. Funny - who'd've thunk?
The previous three days were pretty rough. I think Jonathan is realizing that he's with us for good, and he is very understandably missing his great-uncle Wayne who he used to live with. Unfortunately, this makes for a very sad, whiny, cranky Jonathan. And a stressed-out, cranky Mommy. I had a good cry on Brian's shoulder last night (just what he needed - someone else in tears) and he "made" me sleep in this morning. When I got up and got downstairs a very cheerful Jonathan was already eating breakfast. Brian took a long break from his school-work and spent a couple hours giving Mommy a break. Overall, it was a good day. Jonathan was in a much better mood as well. And I remembered more often throughout my day to pray for patience and more love for my son. It's amazing how God will give you patience and grace in the middle of a tiring moment. He is so good!

Here are a few pictures from the past few days:
This was Sunday morning at breakfast. Brian's mom bought these jammies last weekend. Shout out to Jack Anderson - Monkey Man!
We took Jonathan out to Micah's tee-ball game last week (Go Bats!) and all the Coleman and Ayers kids were so excited to meet Jonathan. I thought we were going to get tackled before we even got out of the car! :) They were all great, wanting to play with him, and loving on him. Jonathan seemed almost mesmerized by Cara Beth at times; he would just stare at her. Austin and Anna Kate spent the most time with him, I think, and he seemed to enjoy hanging out with them. I'm definitely looking forward to Jonathan getting to know the kids in our church learning to count them special friends.

And a few pics of Jonathan playing with Daddy. In the first one, he's probably about to be "got" by Dad, which of course involves being tickled until he squeals. He has the cutest laugh, that escalates into a (happy) scream when he gets really excited. Brian flew him around the den for a while, and I tried to get a good picture of his grin, but our camera is a pain and I haven't figured out the delay with the flash.

So it's been a good day. Brian had class tonight, so I put the little guy to bed by myself. I know he's attached to his Daddy because several times he would say, "Da?" wanting his Dad to put him to bed. Poor little guy - I hated to tell him that Daddy wasn't home. But I loved hearing that he noticed and missed him.

Thanks for all your prayers. God has definitely worked in my heart today to give me a better attitude. Please continue to pray that Jonathan will continue to grow more comfortable with us and in his love for us. As well, pray that our love for him will grow, especially on the days when he's unhappy.


ninepoundhammer said...

Thanks for your post--it did me good.

(By the way--you need to update your 'About Me' section from 'almost-mom' to 'Mom de jure.')

Patricia said...

I'm definitely keeping y'all in prayer. I'm glad to hear that Jonathan is starting to adjust a little.

Kierstyn said...

Life as a new mom... not always fun, but always rewarding and GREAT in the long run! Hang in there! We're praying for you guys.

By the way, it's been such a joy to see you guys as parents!

Hannah D A said...

I hate it when Kierstyn posts before I get a chance to. How do I follow that with anything else but, "Yeah, what she said!"

Anonymous said...

Remember, the phone is your friend! I've called Hannah and many others bawling at times :). A good cry does lots of good. At least that's my motto :). Anyway, don't be shy in picking up the phone because there's always someone there to listen.

Anonymous said...

Janelle, very well said. Thanks for sharing because it helps us to know how we can better pray. We love you so very much. If you ever want to come over and hang out, feel free. I love you,
Marian :)

ninepoundhammer said...

By the way--I am not so sure I am enamored with the idea of another kid in the church having curlier hair than Gracie Mae. (But I reckon I'll learn to live with it.)

Anonymous said...

I really hope that things have gotten better for you since you wrote this (I'm so behind on my blog reading.=)
I am thrilled that Jonathan is a big fan of Brian--your husband is a good dad, and Jonathan will be greatly blessed because of both of you. I'm getting teary! Somebody stop me!!!!