Wednesday, October 8, 2008

House Update, Take ... What are we up to now?!

Update: Apparently I was a bit too hasty in posting the below. The info about the document being picked up is true to the best of my knowledge. But in talking to Damon, our realtor, it urns out that we will not be able to close this week and get into the house this weekend, due to the number of parties that still have to sign all the paperwork. Sigh. Please keep praying for us. This is getting really discouraging.

This time good news! (We think)

If you will look closely at the image below, it would seem that our document has, in fact, been picked up by FedEx. Yea!! Since this is shipping overnight, it should get here tomorrow. So we will hopefully be able to close this week, we're praying even tomorrow.

If you look closely enough, you'll see that it was picked up at 6:54 this evening. Coincidence that we filed another amendment to the contract (third time's a charm), this time stating that we wanted them to help pay some of our closing costs because they've delayed things so long? Could be, but I kinda doubt it.

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